Privacy Policy

Who we are?

We are an Ayurvedic firm that produces drugs.

Where we are?

You can reach us in this address:
Kaniyamkudy Towers, Valayanchirangara P.O, Ernakulam Dist. , Kerala- India 683556

Give a ring to these numbers:
Mob: +919447596592, +919847795188

Drop mail in this mail id:

How we use your information

  • What Data do we collect?
  • When you submit an enquiry?
  • Your right to complaint
What Data do we collect?

We collect information about you from our website and this is not to identify you personally, it’s just about finding out how you used our service and to enhance our service.

When you submit an enquiry

When you submit a product enquiry via our website we will ask for name, mailed, phone number, address.
We use this information just to respond to your queries. We do not use your data to create any automated decision that may influence you.

Your right to complaint

You have all the rights to complain about our usage of your data. You can first talk to us in the given number.